How to Make a Chain Whip

Last Updated on October 24, 2022

Bike maintenance is important if you are a cyclist. You don’t just ride your bike and set off to the trails. You should also know how to fix your bike.

But there are bike mechanics, right?

Well, you can’t always rely on them. There’s also a good chance they’re not with you if you’re in the trails!

So, what better way to ensure you get a smooth and hassle-free ride than by knowing the basic maintenance drills.

One of the most common things you should learn is how to make a chain whip. You can get a Park Tool chain whip at your nearest bike shop. But you don’t always need them.

So it’s better if you just create one. Not only does this help you save money. But this also makes you more ingenious.

Making a chain whip isn’t really difficult. All you need are the correct tools, techniques, and some tips to get it right.

Using screws and boards

Step 1

The first thing you should do is to prepare the needed materials.

Get a board that is made from premium wood. It’s best if you choose one that is long and isn’t very thick. This makes it easier for you to adjust your chain whip and measure the diameter later. You can also pattern it to a raised garden bed. We recommend a dimension of 1 in. x 2.5 in. x 10 in.

Also prepare a screwdriver that has a Philips head. You can just opt for a standard screwdriver if you don’t have any. Just make sure that it matches the screws used.

Step 2

Prepare screws that are around 1.5 to 2 inches. They should be long enough that they can stay screwed on the board. You can also have longer screws if you have a thick board. This secures the chain whip in place.

Prepare an old chain that is compatible with your cassette. Most old chains have similar spacing diameters. But just ensure that it fits on your current cassette. You surely don’t want to make a chain whip that won’t hold your cassette together.

Step 3

Then it’s time to assemble the core of your chain whip. The first thing to do is to screw the old chain directly on your board. It should go along its edges.

Secure one end of the chain along the edges of the wooden board. Do this slowly so that it won’t fall out of place.

Step 4

Secure the chain into the area with a screw. You can also add more screws to secure it further and make it more stable.

Step 5

Wiggle it around and see if it’s already secured. You can also turn it upside down to double check. You can then proceed to the next step if you think it’s already tight enough.

Step 6

Screw everything in place and secure one chain end directly to the wood. This ensures that it won’t fall off later when you use it on your chain.

Step 7

Slowly loop the chain’s free end on the top side of the cassette. Do it slowly so that it won’t get misaligned and fall out of place. Hold it until it settles. You can then gently loosen the nut if it’s already settled.

Using a metal handle

Step 1

You can also follow the metal handle method if the wood option doesn’t work for you. The metal handle method is also better if you have more experience with chain whips.

You must be more involved in the process because you use metal instead of wood. This requires a more complex process because you must attach one of the chain links into the metal. 

Step 2

Gather the tools needed.

The things you’ll need are:

  • Metal handle
  • Chain breaker
  • Hammer
  • Old chain

Make sure they’re clean and free from grime and dirt.

Step 3

Secure a hold near the handle’s edge. It shouldn’t be very far so that it won’t hyper extend. The chain pin should also easily fit through the hole.

Step 4

Put the chain pin close enough to the handle’s edge. This ensures that it’s the right size for your upcoming chain whip.

Step 5

Open up one of the chain’s ends if you already made the holes. Slowly push the pin halfway out of the hole. Do this carefully so it won’t fall out entirely.

Step 6

position the chain end the hole if the pin has already been pushed out. Use the chain tool to slowly push the pin back in place. This secures the chain’s end on the metal handle.

Step 7

Your chain is now attached to the metal handle you can use as a DIY chain whip. Then attach the cassette to your chain and secure it in place. Hold the metal end and simultaneously unscrew the cassette nut. You now have your own chain whip!


It’s not that hard to learn how to make a chain whip. You just need to know the right techniques and use the proper tools.

Also, add in some bits of creativity, passion, and patience. And you’re ready!

Hopefully, this guide on how to make a chain whip made you more of a mountain biker.

Remember that it’s not always about bike rides. Sometimes, you also need to fix your bike on your own.


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